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Cégünknél gépkocsi vezetők részére 1 éves időtartamra rendszámra szóló (egyidejüleg két gépkocsivezetőre) Polip Driver
Have You already suffered a road accident? Perhaps on a holiday, at night? Are You concerned because of the low speed of insourance claims services? Does it take long to wait for a survey? Has a lot of Your time been taken by obtaining the necessary documents? If the answer is yes, You will certainly appreciate being assisted in an organised way. In the negative case, You might wish to be prepared! Road accident assistance and insourance claims management services on casco basis provide You double safety!
- We maintain an alarm centre on a 0-24 hours basis
- We eliminate the crisis situation caused by the road accident
- We provide for the emergency repair of the vehicle on site or its transportation to a workshop
- We provide for the repatriation and the safeguarding of the damaged vehicle
- In case of a personal injury, we organise medical treatment
- We provide for a replace driver, if necessary
- We provide information continuously on developments
- We maintain an alarm centre on a 0-24 hours basis
- We provide for reporting the claim to insurers
- We organise the survey within the shortest time via loss adjusters approved by the insurers - We agree repair costs with insurers
- We collect and forward to insurers all documents necessary to claims settlement within the shortest time
- We may pay smaller claims directly on behalf of insurers